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Friday, 10 April 2015

Akashic Record

Many among us write about our day to day activities in our diaries, most of us don’t. But the truth is each and everyone of us write our diary and that too with objectivity – even the fleeting thoughts are recorded. Every thought, every activity, every word are recorded by us and ChitraGupta is just a keeper of those records. This happens in ‘higher levels.’

Not only this, we are born with a plan - we have a purpose to fulfill in each life. But after birth we gradually forget and later 'pretend sleep' about the purpose, at least most of us, because that is the easiest thing to do.

And I think, a compilation of our life purpose and what we do on earth is known as Akashic Record in the esoteric circles. This record is not about a single life.

In the physical realm we put up a show. We foolishly think that no one is aware of what is going on within us, however malicious that might be. 

But the instance we take our eyes off the physical realm, we ourselves record everything very very  honestly.So in a way we keep a tab on ourselves. We spread our lifelong fare before the Supreme Being to be seen or 'judged.'

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Love Oneself

 "You have to love yourself because no amount of love from others is sufficient to fill the yearning that your soul requires from you."             
- Dodinsky.  

Everywhere we can see posters, slogans, festivities etc. etc. waxing eloquently about love. But if you ask people about it we'll get a myriad of reactions and replies, which is very far from what it really is.

Actually what is love? .......................... Well, God is love. Most of us agree to this. So we,  being the creation of God, are love too. How many of us have truly realized this. True love starts with us or more correctly within us. If we don't accept the love that we are, how can we love another. Only a person who loves himself can truly love another. We cannot give away what we don't have.

The reason why i had to write what i wrote may appear silly to many. Most of the days i update status on my Facebook account and a few people take out their valuable time to read and like it. But whenever i share a status update on loving oneself, all of them shy away. Pretend they didn't see it. This is what happens in our day to day life. We just pretend - we close our eyes on the truth.

Friday, 3 April 2015

We are the World

God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease. - --   -Bernie Siegel

'Sarvam Maya' - Everything is maya. Maya is the sanskrit word for illusion. Here illusion points towards the transient nature of human life.

Our life on earth is an illusion. What we think is real, is actually maya - a world created by our mental, emotional and physical states. We are, in fact, controlled by these illusory and mortal states which keep us tethered to a world of confusion. Confusion can only produce discord and desperation and finally delusion. All the misery we see around us is a manifestation of our delusions.

As humans we completely forget about our real and immortal self - the soul. We are born here to learn a lesson that could raise us to higher levels of spirituality. But as humans,  we conveniently forget about our duality and cling to the part that is not real. We forget about our immortal self and cling to our mortal state.

If we consider the journey of our soul as a book, each life can be equated to a word or sentence, but unfortunately most of us are not even able to complete an alphabet.