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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Master oneself

When one is born to a certain dimension, the nature of the dimension deploys its effects on the being. Genuine intention, honesty, constant aim and effort are needed to overcome these effects and find one’s true path to Salvation.

To live on this planet one needs a body which is composed of the PANCHABHOOTHA ( 5 elements ) – air, water, fire, ether, and  earth. The Panchabhootha  needs the PANCHENDRIYA ( 5 senses ) – smell, sight, sound, touch and taste, to experience life on Earth. The senses evoke desire in  human beings and in the long run enslaves the majority of them. The humans ignorant of the repercussions of being enslaved to their own senses, become trapped in the unending cycles of birth and death. Succumbing to ones senses increases ones karmic obligations, the result of which is more and more lifetimes.

What is the point of having more and more similar lifetimes?  Just a waste of precious time. One can overcome this by mastering one’s senses. When one masters one’s senses, the real world presents itself before him, where he is one with all. This develops detachment. Detachment is the first step towards salvation.