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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Karma Yoga

What is Karma Yoga? Let us start with the meaning of the phrase. Karma means action and yoga* means union and the whole phrase literally means union of action. In short, Karma Yoga is the process of achieving perfection in action. It is the path of selfless service.

There are different levels of actions: Physical, emotional ( senses), mental, intellectual. A human being is usually pulled apart by these different levels of action, which in turn takes him away from his life plan - purification of the soul and finally salvation.

To attain Karma Yoga the body, the mind, the intellect and the senses must function in unison. For this to happen one should allow the life-plan to takeover - leave the rest to the Supreme Being and become just a witness to the magic that unfolds before one. 

*Yoga is the union of the mind, body and spirit. Yoga is the realization of the oneness of the individual consciousness to the cosmic consciousness. 

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