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Monday, 1 October 2012

Listen to your Heart

Once upon a time knowledge was power, but,  now, it turns out that sharing of knowledge is not only power, but a blessing too

Two months back i was talking to a childhood friend over phone . (Let us call him Mr.X .) He was recuperating from viral fever . In between our exchanges , he casually referred to a jaw pain he had along with his other symptoms . I had read somewhere that lower jaw pain was a symptom of heart disease which many were unaware of . I passed the information to him and requested him to go for a check-up . Though he registered the fact, he never did a check-up. Period.

A few weeks later another friend rang me up at an odd hour and broke the news that Mr.X suffered a heart attack .

 Mr.X had a 90% blockage . He underwent  angioplasty . And is safe now .

A week later Mr.X rang me up. He told me that had i not mentioned to him about the seriousness of the lower jaw pain, maybe, he wouldn't have thought of going to the hospital . 


  1. Having a Heart attack is a Curse.... But having it in the presence of a cardiologist at ICU of a cardiac dept is a Blessing".

    Hi everybody, On Sept 19th I drove to Kollam to my friend Anil’s Home, as we we were meeting after a long time, we had a lot to chat and share ... It went on up to late night and we slept at 11.45pm. The next day I had to go to Trivandrum. I woke up at 7am and had Black coffee with my buddy.. somehow unlike other days, i was a bit uneasy in the morning. My lower jaw was giving me a light botheration.. . I had a bad practice, Normally I never take medicines or go to Doctor. Couple of months back I had underwent this jaw pain. It was at that time I happened to speak with my old class mate and childhood friend Asha who hinted that the lower jaw pains can head for a heart attack. Asha is a friend who speak stuff and it mattered me. I thought of to move with the pain but the pain took the better side, it asked me to rather to say the pain forced me to stop at one of my friends home . His name is Nazim who is also my childhood friend. I told him about my uneasiness nad he immediately called one our school mate Dr Renuchandran.. Renu asked us to come over immediately , we went to his clinic. Renu took some test related to the condition . ECG, BP and cholesterol being normal but sugar was 170. Renu adviced to go to Upasana Hospital and have some more test so that we don’t have worry later. We took his advice and went Upasana where my classmate Dr. Koshy was working as Paediatrician. Koshy came with me made me bold, and put me to Dr. Binu who in turn took all the test again and asked us to wait for taking ECHO. Meanwile my friends Althaf and Haroon came over there, seeing all these childhood friends , I was so happy and it made me bold. The reports again reflected everything normal for me, but i still had the jaw in pain. When we all decided we will leave the hospital, like a bullet, ihad asuuden pain which pulled me down, with the energy i had i ran to the iC u and got me laid on the bed and I yelled, Please call the Doctor, I am loosing my cosious. The doctor rushed to me, and I started feeling dizzsy and not able to breath, I pleaded to Doctor please do something..., I almost lost my sense and collapsed,my sub conscious said to me , I am leaving this world..... I am going to miss every one,. I wished whether I could see my daughter and wife who is in Bangalore... my dear friends who was with me at that time was informed that I am almost in death of a sudden vertical shoot . I lost my entire consiousness but i was able feel that I am alive. But i was carried to a world of darkness... Prayers of my beloved friends and that of athers , Gods grace, and the Doctor made me to see this world again.. Only when I regained my senses, I was told by the Doctor that I underwent an attack, and i am so lucky and blessed to get proper medication in time

    “Having a Heart attack is a Curse.... But having it in the presence of a cardiologist at ICU of a cardiac dept is a Blessing”

    The above words was taid by him

    Apart from all this , there is truth – had Asha never told me about this jaw pains , I would not have made it to Hospital and might have travelled to Trivandrum. One more incidence I like to share is that , Asha, Nazim, Renuchandran, Koshy, Haroon ,Althaf all of themarer my childhood friends and we all studied in the same shcool/class 30 years back. Good friends Never say Goodbye

  2. Thanks Murali for the comment and for remembering what i said . 'A friend in need is a friend indeed .'You always valued your friendships . And things of value always come to your aid when you really need them .
