Why do we reincarnate? This one question has puzzled many, and continues to. Once i too spent a lot of time over this. Read many books. Listened to many experienced people. And this is what i arrived at: A lifetime is to learn a lesson, a lesson which will bring one a step closer to the Supreme Being. The whole life is planned before one is born, for that purpose.
We choose our parents, a few of our soul group are reincarnated along with us as our friends and relatives who are special to us. And enemies too. Hatred is as strong as love. Our worst enemies are reincarnated as our off-springs.Thus our hate is turned into love and we are made to serve them as responsible parents. What an idea, Sirji!
Though everything is pre-planned, we humans are not born as programmed robots. We forget everything after birth. Why? B'coz the Supreme Being has given us freewill. We are given the freedom to live our life on earth.
Now what do we humans do? Many a time we wander away from our truth, our life purpose. We just indulge ourselves in worldly pleasures. No! i am not saying that we must not enjoy the earthly joys. We can - in moderation. When we indulge in something we forget ourselves. When we forget ourselves, we get lost. We may get carried away like a log in the flood. We are not in control, some external force is carrying us, the end of which the carrier and the carried are unaware of. Both have no goals, then where is the Salvation? Forget Salvation, what about our life- purpose, of that particular lifetime? So the most important thing is awareness, Self-awareness.
When we become aware we start realizing that there is a purpose for life. This leads to self- discipline. And the practice of Self- Awareness and Self -Discipline eventually leads to your Life-Purpose and a step closer to Salvation. So each purposeful life is a step towards Salvation or Moksha.
What happens if we have an epicurean mentality? The Supreme Being won't punish you. God is the epitome of infinite patience and mercy. God will wait patiently and lovingly for us, to come to our senses and get back on track Until we learn that particular lesson, we will be reborn into similar situations or similar lifetimes again and again and again................. How many of you would like to be in the same grade for ever?
Note: Life is a gift from God, for our redemption.