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Sunday, 21 February 2016

3. Faith : Growing up Spiritually

This article is the third one in the series GROWING UP SPIRITUALLY. 

Link to the second article PATIENCE

What is faith? Is it praying daily? Is it visiting places of worship? Is it exhibiting and embellishing oneself with religious tokens? Does intolerance towards others who believe differently make you faithful ? Think about it. All the above said things are inherited - you are blindly following  your family practices in the name of tradition.  

Then what really is faith? Faith is the complete submission to the will of the Supreme Divine. An ego-less state where you are one with all. Faith is the realization of the souls' oneness with God. Faith is the innate knowledge that all are loved, supported and taken care of completely, by the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent creator of the Universe.

Faith is not intolerance. It is not the extravagant rituals. Faith is not a divisive force. Faith is not complicated. Faith is simple and unifying. Faith is universal love. Faith keeps one above fear and anxiety - the past and the future. Faith pins one to the present, which is where one should be. Faith is peace. 

Sometimes faith is above reason and senses. Faith is an innate realization of the divinity, that is an integral part of one and all. 

Link to the fourth article in the series - Meditation

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