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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

2. Patience: Growing up Spiritually

This article is the second one in the series of GROWING UP SPIRITUALLY.
Link to the first article

We live in a world which expects instant results. We want everything done 'just like that'. We are always in a hurry. But where are we hurrying to? Has anyone thought about it? Oh! where is the time? 'Am soo busy. I don't care......... Really?????? You don't care?............ Actually we all care, but only, when we are in dire straits....... Why me?? WHY? But when everything was going good no one ever thought: Why me? 

This is life. It has its ups and downs. Generally when the going is good, we live without a care in the world and when anything goes wrong, we hit the roof, then hit the bottom and go into depression, This happens when you are not balanced as a person. 

First step towards balancing was mentioned in the earlier blog in the series.When you are able to find  your real self and talk to it daily the realization starts dawning that you were not doing things properly - that all along you were fighting shadows - a futile war, where energy is wasted and ultimately nothing gained. Don't be disheartened. There is a time for everything. 

Spiritual growth comes with a patience-tag. You can't buy it over the counter. If you want to grow spiritually and raise your consciousness you need diligence. Patient day to day effort is needed. In the beginning your efforts might be erratic. Don't lose heart, be purposeful. In due course it will become your routine. 

Link to the third article FAITH:

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