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Sunday, 24 April 2016

Ashtanga Yoga

Patanjali, the ancient sage in his book Yoga Sutra explains the Ashtanga Yoga. Ashta is sanskrit for eight and anga means limbs, That is one has to follow the eight limb /eight fold path to attain yoga. The eight fold path to be followed are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan and Samadhi. 

We will look at it one by one:

Yama (the principles of moral code) : There are five, Ahimsa (non-violance), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (non stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy) and Aparigah (non hoarding/possessiveness). 

Niyama (Personal discipline ): Also five: Shoucha (purity/ cleanliness ), Santhosha (Happiness/ Contentment ), Tapa (Endurance/ Stoicism ), Swadhyaya (self-study) and  Eshwar Pranidhan (dedication). 

Asana (Posture ) : A comfortable posture that keeps you stable, so that you can concentrate on your meditation. 

Pranayama (Yogic Breathing ) : Controlling you inhalations and exhalations. 

Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses ) : By withdrawing ones senses one is able to increase the power of ones mind. 

Dharana (concentration ) : Concentrating ones mind on an object and things associated with it. 

Dhyan (Meditation) : Concentrating on one point and nothing else. 

Samadhi (Moksha / Salvation ) A state of supreme bliss, union of the individual consciousness with the Cosmic consciousness, the union of Shiva and Shakti. A state of realization of God, which is the ultimate achievement of human birth. 

Thanks to Yoga VidyaGurukul

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