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Monday, 11 April 2016

Shiva and Shakti - The spiritual symbolism

Shiva and Shakti represents the masculine and feminine aspects on all levels of existence. The self-complementary Ardhanareeswara (half man, half woman) concept. 

In Yoga, Shakti is known as Kundalini. And in Tantra it is known as Shakti. Kundalini is the energy of the prana. It flows through the nadis ( channels ). The intersection of these channels where the energy concentrates are known as Chakras (energy centers).  Shakti or Kundalini lies dormant in every being, which can be unleashed through Yogic or Tantric practises.

Shiva represents consciousness - divine consciousness or the Self and Shakthi represents energy, vitality -feminine creative power. Or Shiva is Purusha (consciousness) and Shakti is Prakriti (nature). Or Shiva is the Unmanifest (formless) and Shakti is the Manifest (formed). Everything we see around us is Shakti, from a grain of sand to the Sun. Every sound, every thought, every feeling, every act is Shakti. She can enslave you as well as free you. She is the illusion (Maya ) and She is the reality. Shiva is latent, Shakti is active. Shiva represents the constitutive elements of the Universe and Shakti is the dynamic potency which makes these elements come to life. Shiva can experience himself only through Shakti. 

Each world, each being, in short, every aspect of the Universe has its Shiva and Shakti - a complementary duality of Being and its power of Becoming. Through Her He assumes the form of the Universe. Because Consciousness without energy is dormant and Energy without consciousness is blind or aimless. 

In this world the subtle energies condense to form the Panchabhootha; through the Panchabhootha we are able to experience the gross world. To get out of this Gross Existence, we have to awaken our Kundalini which is lying dormant in the Mooladhara chakra, at the tip of the spine. This can be done through Yogic or Tantric practises. This is the universal goal of spiritual life. Through constant practice the Kundalini/Shakti rises to the Sahasrara Chakra, the seat of the divine consciousness / Shiva. The union of Shiva and Shakti symbolises the coming together of the feminine and masculine energies within a person, as well as the creation of the world. The supreme bliss of the union of Shiva and Shakti is pregnant with the eternal truth - Love. The supreme state when Shiva merges with Shakti is known as Nirvana, Oneness, Enlightenment, Moksha etc. 

The union of Shiva and Shakti is also known as dance of Shiva and Shakthi. Both the genders have both the masculine and feminine aspects in them. The inner masculine and the inner feminine meet each other on equal terms. All the limiting belief systems and inequality of genders have to go . The dance of ecstasy cannot happen if one of these aspects is seen as better than the other.

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