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Saturday, 27 February 2016

4. Meditation : Growing Up Spiritually

This article is the fourth in the series Growing Up Spiritually.

Link to the third article FAITH :

Meditation is concentration with awareness. This is Grand Master Choa Kok Sui's definition of meditation. Usually when we concentrate on something we detach ourselves from everything. All our focus is on that something. Similarly in meditation when we concentrate we stay in the present, we detach ourselves from our past and future.  

Always concentrate on something good and joyous or concentrate on your favorite deity or your guru. While concentrating, always stay alert, be aware of your self. Do not doze off. 

Why should we meditate? Daily meditation has great benefits, not only spiritual, but also physical. When you still your mind for a few minutes daily,it brings down your stress level, which is the reason for all illness. In the long run, daily meditation frees you from the worries of the past and anxiety about the future. You will start living in the present, which is where you should be always. Serenity becomes part and parcel of your life. Thus meditation is a two in one offer. 

The purpose of meditation in the long run is to achieve oneness with your higher soul.
The degree of oneness is seen by the light. 
 - GMCKS , Beyond the Mind 
  The Golden Lotus Sutras On Meditation  

Link to the fifth article DETACHMENT:

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

My First Time

It was on 22nd January 2011. With no idea what is in store, i walked into the hall with a friend. There were others too. The teacher was already there. The OM mantra was playing softly. Huge,garlanded photograph of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui presided the proceedings. The aroma of burning incense sticks greeted our nostrils. 

With an invocation and prayer the class commenced. The teacher lectured and demonstrated the basics and importance of energy healing, Then he introduced us to guided meditation. We sat in 
chairs, in a semicircle around the teacher. We were asked to sit upright with our spine straight and open palms on the chest level. He instructed us to touch the tip of our tongue to the palette and close our eyes. Then he switched on the meditation recorded in the Master's voice. 

As instructed, i closed my eyes, keeping the tongue to the palette was a bit tedious. I tried to listen to Master's voice. Random thoughts played hopscotch in my mind. I couldn't sense any movement around me, other than the recorded voice. Is this Meditation? I didn't feel anything different or unusual. Halfway through the meditation, i started worrying. This was not what i expected and to be frank,  i  didn't know  what to expect. So many doubts crept into my mind. Finally i made up my mind. Discreetly, i opened my left eye slightly and watched the others sitting on my left. All were sitting still. I closed my left eye, and opened my right eye slightly and watched the others on my right side. All were sitting still. Then i watched the teacher. He too was sitting still, in deep meditation. I closed my eyes again and tried to emulate the others. This was my first time. 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

3. Faith : Growing up Spiritually

This article is the third one in the series GROWING UP SPIRITUALLY. 

Link to the second article PATIENCE

What is faith? Is it praying daily? Is it visiting places of worship? Is it exhibiting and embellishing oneself with religious tokens? Does intolerance towards others who believe differently make you faithful ? Think about it. All the above said things are inherited - you are blindly following  your family practices in the name of tradition.  

Then what really is faith? Faith is the complete submission to the will of the Supreme Divine. An ego-less state where you are one with all. Faith is the realization of the souls' oneness with God. Faith is the innate knowledge that all are loved, supported and taken care of completely, by the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent creator of the Universe.

Faith is not intolerance. It is not the extravagant rituals. Faith is not a divisive force. Faith is not complicated. Faith is simple and unifying. Faith is universal love. Faith keeps one above fear and anxiety - the past and the future. Faith pins one to the present, which is where one should be. Faith is peace. 

Sometimes faith is above reason and senses. Faith is an innate realization of the divinity, that is an integral part of one and all. 

Link to the fourth article in the series - Meditation

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

2. Patience: Growing up Spiritually

This article is the second one in the series of GROWING UP SPIRITUALLY.
Link to the first article

We live in a world which expects instant results. We want everything done 'just like that'. We are always in a hurry. But where are we hurrying to? Has anyone thought about it? Oh! where is the time? 'Am soo busy. I don't care......... Really?????? You don't care?............ Actually we all care, but only, when we are in dire straits....... Why me?? WHY? But when everything was going good no one ever thought: Why me? 

This is life. It has its ups and downs. Generally when the going is good, we live without a care in the world and when anything goes wrong, we hit the roof, then hit the bottom and go into depression, This happens when you are not balanced as a person. 

First step towards balancing was mentioned in the earlier blog in the series.When you are able to find  your real self and talk to it daily the realization starts dawning that you were not doing things properly - that all along you were fighting shadows - a futile war, where energy is wasted and ultimately nothing gained. Don't be disheartened. There is a time for everything. 

Spiritual growth comes with a patience-tag. You can't buy it over the counter. If you want to grow spiritually and raise your consciousness you need diligence. Patient day to day effort is needed. In the beginning your efforts might be erratic. Don't lose heart, be purposeful. In due course it will become your routine. 

Link to the third article FAITH:

Monday, 15 February 2016

1. Prepare the ground: Growing up Spiritually:

This is the first in the series of articles, i plan to write.

How can one grow spiritually? This question lurks in the mind of every sane person. The prime point one has to realize is that each one of us is a dormant spiritual seed. When the conditions are optimum , each of these seeds germinate and grow into its current (life) potential. Now what are those optimum conditions and what are the hindrances that block the desired conditions, that leads to spiritual development? 

The biggest block in the spiritual path is ego - the inflated ego that blinds ones perception. So the first step is to sweep aside that blind. It might not be that easy.And the most important factor is whether you are ready for it. Willingness eases everything. Remember, "Where there is a will, there is a way". 

Ego is the reason behind desires,doubts, fear, anxiety, jealousy, envy, anger, revenge,possessiveness, attachments etc. These emotions and reactions are so obsessive and destructive, that they carry you away from the real you - the spiritual being. 

The first step in the right direction is to give some time for yourself, a few minutes daily - cut yourself away from the world, keep your worries away for a few minutes. Do this exercise daily. It might not be easy, but it is not difficult too. You don't have to teach a fish to swim. This is you reaching out to the real you. 

Link to the second article

My little Angel

One day my daughter asked me, " Where do you want to be incarnated in your next life?" Such questions are not unexpected of her because from the time she could utter two words together she has posed many like the above one. She was always a child who thought beyond her age.  Very forgiving and compassionate  by nature. Such kids are a real blessing. Not only they think, but also make us, parents, think - out of the box. 

The above question and many such, inspired me to think, to study and learn the lessons of life. After which i started seeing life afresh, in a new light, light of love and understanding. It increased my awareness and broadened my perspective. It made me discover the divine in me and the divinity in others. I am not sure whether i have developed my clairvoyance or clairaudience, but i definitely have 'clairguidance', if such a word exists. 

My daughter's words catapulted me from the mundane to esoteric mysticism. She helped me to grow spiritually. I let go of my ego and allowed myself to be guided by the divine. I started to do daily meditation. I found peace, i found inner- happiness. 

When i look back now, i feel that i was reborn with my daughter - a rebirth in the same life. I grew up along with her, spiritually. I feel that she is an angel, send by the divine, to guide me,to help me grow spiritually. Because each life is given to us to learn a certain lesson and thus develop spiritually. In each life we are supposed to develop a spiritual aspect,which will enhance our self-awareness and raise our consciousness. And when we develop complete faith in the divine, we are divinely guided. 

So the answer to my daughter's question is: "I'd like to be born in a place and environment where i can develop spiritually".