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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

5. Detachment - Growing Up Spiritually

This is the fifth article in the series Growing Up Spiritually.

Link to the fourth article:

To a layman detachment is the sacrifice of all material aspects of life. This terrifies him. How can one sacrifice all that was accumulated with such diligence. So when one is faced with a choice between detachment and attachment (possessions). The latter is chosen without a second thought. 

To me detachment means not being overtly possessive. We all know that one day we have to leave everything that we posses. Then what happens? Someone else will inherit it. We have no idea for whom we have amassed all those. Each grain is engraved with the name of its consumer. Quote unquote

The possessive nature comes from ego, desire, attachment, fear and ignorance. If you have a granary full of grains, and you sit guard there,for fear of being looted, you will sit there and die of  hunger and starvation. Instead,if you keep what is needed for you and distribute the rest among the needy, you are detached. Charity is the best policy.

Similarly in every aspect of human life like beliefs, thoughts and words one has to be objective. Hold your belief and let others have their own. Have your thoughts, but don't be carried away. Hang on to good and positive ones that will enlighten you.Study and raise your consciousness. Let sweet words come out of you that pleases you as well as others. Live and let live.

For me Abraham Lincoln's words sums up detachment: With malice towards none and charity to all.

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