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Sunday, 13 March 2016

The Bigger Picture

We are like the blind men who have gone to see the elephant. Each examines/feels a different part of the elephant and thinks, this is it, this is the real elephant. Similar is the case with most humans. Our perception of life on this planet is just like the perception of the blind men. We are not aware of the bigger / whole picture. 

Each one knows something, but not everything. Each one develops their own perception depending on what he / she has encountered and sticks to it. 

We are borne into this world for a reason. That reason being the development of consciousness. And this planet provides the best environment for it. So everything that happens to a person, a group, a place, a nation, happens for a reason. The ultimate aim behind every happenings, whether good or bad, is the development of consciousness. It might be for the development of the individual or the  collective consciousness. 

Most of the time, due to the blind men's approach to life, instead of learning a lesson from  bad / evil situations, we respond /react absurdly, due to our limited knowledge.Without understanding the whole picture, we blame and complain, we agitate against it or evade it. The limited self is unable to see the challenge placed before it. Thus lose the opportunity to learn a lesson and expand the consciousness. 

There is nothing called an 'accident' or coincidence. Everything that happens is according to the Divine Plan. So learn to trust the life and try to enjoy the journey, even though you may not understand it wholly.

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