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Saturday, 26 March 2016

Gayathri Mantra

Om bhoor bhuvah swah 
tat savitur varenyam 
bhargo devasya dheemahi 
dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat. 

Gayathri mantra is found in Rigveda. Like all the other mantras the  author of this mantra is unknown. 

Om bhoor bhuvah swah
The first line is not a part of the original mantra. It is an invocation. Every manthra is preceded by an invocation. It is an invocation to the infinite, omnipotent, all pervading Supreme Consciousness that eliminates suffering and manifests happiness. 

tat savitur varenyam 
That Divinely brilliant, the Best and the most Virtuous Creator, worthy of our unconditional love. 

bhargo devasya dheemahi 
Meditate or bear in mind that Absolute being, who is able to cleanse and absolve us. 

dhiyo yo nah prachodayaat 
We pray to that Supreme Parabrahman to guide us out of the worldly illusion and lead us to the  spiritual path and open our eyes upon true Bliss, which is the Supreme Parabrahman  himself.  

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